Because a grasp of the pattern for the virtual conference is important to participant understanding of the material, the best technique is to make each individual section, as well as the overall virtual conference, simple, logical, and clear. Time sequencing helps to establish a pattern because is presents the workshop activities in the exact order in which they occur in real time. Participants appreciate knowing what to expect in regard to time, and smart presenters adhere faithfully to the established timeframe. 
Time sequencing also helps to keep both the presenter and the participants on task. It helps the group pace itself by keeping track of how much time has been used and how much time is left to complete a task. Often presenters will need to periodically remind the groups of how much allotted time is left. This can also be accomplished by appointing a timekeeper for each group whose role is to give periodic warnings before the expiration of time. If the task if complex and has been allotted 45 minutes to an hour, the time keeper should advise the group when half the time has been used, and then provide a warning when 15 minutes are left and finally when 5 minutes are left. If the time allotment is thirty minutes, the warnings should occur at 15 minutes and every five minutes after that. If the time allotment is 15 minutes or less, warnings should occur every two minutes. The exhibit below demonstrates how time sequencing is recorded.